VU SR Board
What is the VU SR Board?
The VU SR Board is the management body of VU SR, which deals with cooperation and internal issues of the organization.
In 2021-2022, the VU SR Board consisted of...

Neda ŽutautaitėVU SA president

Ignas MugenisVU SA CHGF chairman

Justinas SacevičiusVU SA EVAF chairman

Raimondas ŠiškevičiusVU SA FF chairman

Elena PranevičiūtėVU SA FilF chairwoman

Martyna VilutytėVU SA FsF chairwoman

Kornelija BuivydaitėVU SA GMC chairwoman

Ieva ŠiaudvytytėVU SA IF chairwoman

Dominyka GoldbergaitėVU SA KF chairwoman

Lijana SavickienėVU SA KnF chairwoman

Emilija NarušytėVU SA MF chairwoman

Paulina BilinskaitėVU SA MIF chairwoman

Paulius LadukasVU SA ŠA chairman

Airina MikulėnaitėVU SA TF chairwoman

Ugnė BičkauskaitėVU SA TSPMI chairwoman
Justinas BrazaitisVU SA VM chairman (until December 2021)
Edgaras KodisVU SA VM chairman (from 2021 gruodžio mėn.)
During the reference period, 9 meetings of the Council of VU SR took place. VU SR Board discussed and adopted decisions on institutional strengthening, internal affairs and the budget.
Internal issues
During the reporting period, the VU SR Board approved the composition of the VU Institutional Strengthening Fund, the position of vice-president of VU SR, and actively participated in the process of updating the Strategic Action Plan of VU SR for 2022-2025.
The VU SR Board accepted decisions:
- To approve the updated VU SR training organization application template;
- In each VU SR U, have a person responsible for monitoring exams, thus ensuring high-quality activities of the VU SR program "Sąžiningai";
- Setting up a working group to update the "Chairperson's Guide" in order to facilitate the transfer of experience to new heads of departments;
- Implement the renewal of the VU SR DPG (Data Protection Group) process;
- To organize the 2022 reporting-election conferences by contact;
- To direct the centralized marketing process of VU SR, in which VU SA U marketing coordinators (if any) and volunteers collected by VU SR marketing coordinator operate from 1st of July 2022;
- To validate the concept of membership of the organization, which is based on more effective employee engagement, the equal involvement of curators, student representatives, programs, clubs, projects and long-term members in the ongoing processes on the basis of a culture of self-reflection;
- To update the membership system, expand the member's test with knowledge about the VU structures, the services provided by the University, the VU SA strategy, the organisation's structure and image. It was decided to develop an e-learning course alongside the test, which will help to ensure deeper development of competences in each topic.